Meikyokan Fundamentals Practice routines

This is an outline of procedures for a typical MKK Fundamentals Practice (Tuesday & Thursday mornings). Most of the items below are done according to HKF & AJKF guidelines. Any of the items below may be adjusted if necessary.

[ Complied by G. Komata, edited by R. Hayashi & J.K. Shishido, January 2016. ]


6:30am : Open dojo.
     Change clothes.
     Clean floor.
     Individual practice as time permits.
     note: Please formally greet any visiting sensei, if they are present.

7am : Start group practice.
     Leader: "Line up." : Everyone lines up according to rank.
     Leader: "Chakuza." : Everyone sits in seiza (kneeling) position.
     Leader: "Seiza." : Everyone does mokuso (quiet medication, 2~4 minutes).
     Leader: "Yame." : Everyone stops mokuso.
     Leader: "Shomen ni [pause] rei." : Everyone bow towards kamiza.
     Leader: "Sensei ni [pause] rei." : Students and sensei bow to each other.
     Sensei: Announcements.

Stretching & Warm-up Exercises.
     Formation: Stand in a large circle at the center of the dojo.
     Leader: "Rei." : Everyone bows to each other from sageto (standing position with shinai).
     Leader: "Taito." : Everyone raises shinai to waist.
     Leader: "Nuketo." : Everyone draws shinai, then sonkyo (crouching position), then place shinai on the floor.

          Each exercise item 2 times, 8-counts each per side/direction:

          Head turn left/right
          Head tilt left/right
          Bend head forward/backward
          Rotate head clockwise/counter-clockwise

          Wrist bend down, left side/right side
          Wrist bend up, left side/right side
          Shoulder stretch, left side/right side
          Arm reach up & back, left side/right side
          Arm rotations, backwards/forward

          Twist at waist, left/right
          Bend at waist, forward/backward

          Leg stretch, left side/right side
          Leg stretch (deeper), left side/right side
          stretch Achilles' tendon, left side/right side
          Forward bend at waist left crossed over right/right crossed over left
          Knee rotation, clockwise/counter-clockwise

          Running around the dojo floor:
          Forwards (one time around)
          Backwards (one time around)
          Sidewards (one time around, alternating leading left side and right side)

~7:15am to 7:55am : Instruction and Practice
     [ Sensei leads ]

7:55am : Ending practice.
     Leader: "Line up." : Everyone lines up.
     Leader: "Chakuza." : Everyone sits in seiza (kneeling) position.
     Sensei: Comments.
     Leader: "Seiza." : Everyone does mokuso (quiet medication, as time allows).
     Leader: "Yame." : Everyone stops mokuso.
     Leader: "Sensei ni [pause] rei." : Students and sensei bow to each other.
     Leader: "Shomen ni [pause] rei." : Everyone bow towards kamiza.

8am : Informal appreciation to everyone.
     note: Please thank any visiting sensei for practicing with us, whether you individually practiced with them or not.