Below are excerpts of messages given to the Team Hawaii members to the 12WKC. It is edited and reproduced for the benefit of other Kenshi of the Hawaii Kendo Federation. I take full responsibility for the inadequacy of the material. --DYT
Team Hawaii Preparation Schedule:
January - February
• Focus on Kiai
• Long, sustained, sharp, loud Kakegoe
• Concentratrion
• Keep Shinai and left fist centered
• Maintain alertness at all time
March - April
• Waza Keiko
• When to use certain Waza
• When a Waza is not effective
• Strength, agility, stamina building
• Shiai Geiko
• Understand the IKF Shiai rules
• Shinpan
• Physical and mental conditioning
• We leave HNL on June 30
• July 4: Women's individual and team matches
• July 5: Men's individual matches
• July 6: Men's team matches There may be some times reserved for Keiko before the matches.
After we return, we will hold a debriefing to discuss our activities (team selection, preparation, Taikai).
February 3, 2003
Congratulations to those who were selected to represent HKF at the 12 WKC. We have just a few more months to make this a team we can be proud of and hopefully impress others.
Members are (alpha):
Tusha Buntin
Andy Fujimoto
Wesley Fujitomo
Akiko Furutani
Chris Goodin
Seth Harris
Lisa Hui
Roxie Kubo
Gale Mejia
Karen Mejia
David Sato
Karen Yamada
In order to achieve our goals, everyone must work together as a team, as well as do the best he/she can do at all times. The coaches have high standards, and we think you can achieve this.
February 3, 2003
Team members should have received a copy of Zen and Budo by Ohmori Sogen (trans. Tenshin Tanoue). It is being circulated, so please be sure to read it. We hope this short booklet will give you a hint as to why we struggle with Kendo in this day and age. Those of us approaching higher rank in Kendo must deal with this issue in order to rise to a higher level of training, study, discipline, Shugyo.
The month of January was mainly to elevate the levels of Ki, energy, focus. To do this we emphasized loud, sustaining Kakegoe. Did you notice it takes a lot of energy to do this? This helps one to focus on task at hand, while removing other unnecessary thoughts (Kyo, Ku, Gi, Waku) - but it's not easy. Concentrated, concerted energy is more effective (like laser beam).
Last week, we added the element of not moving the left fist at Kamae. Left fist is your center. If it's unstable, your heart is unstable. Your Kensen becomes ineffective and weak. So, try to keep the good Kamae with attention to the left fist. Enter the striking distance (Uchi-ma) while maintaining your Kensen in the center (Chushin) and making your opponent's Kensen move away from the center (Ken wo Korosu). If at the same time you are highly focused, you can kill his/her spirit (Ki wo Korosu). So, for Shomen Uchi, your Motodachi should feel as if your energy is aiming at his/her Tsuki, then as he/she moves his/her Kensen, strike the Men as quickly, sharply, crisply as possible. Then, follow through swiftly and be alert (Zanshin).
Photo: K Iho. Kendo Hisshou Kouza. Ski J (1987).
February 11, 2003
We have all heard over and over again how important Ki Ken Tai Itchi is. This refers to the coming together of your strong will power (Ki), skills (Ken, Datotsu in Kendo terms), and bodily balance (Tai) in order to make any effort (even outside Kendo) effective.
Many of us in Hawaii have difficulties with this, particularly with footwork (Fumikomi, Fumikiri), because our Dojo floors are concrete. But with proper training, you can still achieve Ki Ken Tai Itchi. Nozawa Sensei gave us some very useful tips.
First, when you commence a Datotsu, you should already be at your own striking distance (Uchi Ma), and have killed your opponent's Ki, Ken and Waza (San Sappo).
Second, step forward with your right foot as your hand comes down from (NOT up to) Furikaburi. Important: do not raise your right foot as you swing up like a puppet -- right foot moves forward as your Shinai moves toward your opponent. Also important: do not raise the right foot high, just move forward. Land on the ball of your right foot, not the toes or heel. You can do this even on concrete floor.
Third, immediately after the Datotsu, bring your left foot up to the correct position (Hikitsuke) and make your body vertical.
The photo below shows that the right foot lands slightly after the Shinai hits the opponent. That is the correct timing. Also note that the right foot moves forward while the left foot pushes the body in motion. We will focus on Ki Ken Tai Itchi over the next few weeks (in addition to Ki and centering of left hand).
Kendo Jidai, Jan 2003
April 10, 2003
Examine the photo sequence below closely. See the left and right right fist motions, foot work, posture, distance. The demonstrator is Tsuneharu Someya, a graduate of Kokushikan University. He entered the All Japan Championship 9 times (champion when he was still a university student), World Championship (3rd place), police championships, etc. 36 years old.
Kendo Nippon. May 2003
March 5, 2003
I would like to invite members of the Team Hawaii to participate in Zazen training at Chozenji on Saturday mornings. Zazen helps you build concentration and increase self-awareness. Breathing (Kokyu) and Hara exercises help you overcome anxiety and become more stable. We will also have Kendo at the end -- the idea is to translate Zen training to Kendo, and ultimately to daily life.
Sitting begins promptly at 9:00 am. You must be there early. If you are late, you may not be allowed to enter the Dojo. Car pool is recommended as there are not many parking space. You must come in long pants (sweat pants is OK) or come in Kendo Gi and Hakama. NO SHORTS OR SKIRT. The session concludes around 11:00 am.
Please let me know ahead if you plan to attend so that I can inform the Roshi (Zen master) about your attendance. By mid June, I would like each Team Hawaii member to have attended at least two sessions.
The location is 3565 Kalihi Street, near the end of the street.
Kendo Jidai, Oct 2000
February 26, 2003
Elite Japanese male Kenshi's (about 50 of them) gathered for general betterment of Kendo last April, October, and December. They will hold their next one in March this year. Each event is about 4 days long.
At these sessions they go through Kihon Waza and practice Shiai. It was stressed that Suburi should be accurate each time, and Kihon Waza should be accurate and powerful, rather than speedy. They also viewed videos of other teams. Out of these people, sixteen are candidates for the 12WKC who met in a special training camp in January (age mid-20's to mid-30's, 5-7 Dan).
Below are some pictures from Kendo Jidai (March 2003). You can see their sincere attitude towards Keiko.
May 6, 2003
Each of us must try to be at the top physical condition by the time we get to Glasgow. Be careful about injuries. If you are injured in some way, take care of it properly. For minor things, we (coaches and your instructors) should be able to give you advices. More serious ones will need medical attention.
Take daily vitamin/mineral supplements, if you are not already doing so. Especially if you do not have a balanced regular diet, you should take double dose. They will not only help with nutrition, but also with building energy, stamina, healing of injuries, and sleep.
In the month of June, try to increase vegetable/fuits in your diet. This will help with cleaning up your system -- you will be more alert and agile. Just before the Shiai, don't eat too much. Better to be a little lean and hungry. If you are full, your senses will be dull.
May 8, 2003
Kendo-gu is our armor. It should look good, be functional, and protective. Using the proper Kendo-gu properly makes you feel right and helps improve your Kendo.
Here are some key points in properly wearing your Kendo-gi, Hakama, and Kendo-gu.
- Sleeves should cover elbows
- Back is not baggy or wrinkled
- Wash in cold water without detergent, then hang (inside out) to air dry in shaded place
- Front is slightly lower than back
- Front lightly touches the back (dorsal surface) of feet
- Pleats are neat (proper folding)
- Soak (can be folded) in cold water without detergent, then hang to air dry in shaded place
- Look through the Monomi (slightly wider opening, between 6th and 7th bars)
- Tie the Men Himo (strings) neatly without twists and over the Gunome (angular stitch to help bend the Menbuton
- Tie the Men Himo in the back (not in Tate Musubi vertical knot) so that strings are even and 40 cm long from the knot
- Menbuton drapes naturally over the shoulders (like the foot of Mt. Fuji), and slightly extend over the shoulder
- Uchiwa (inside of Men) should fit snugly around the face
- Men Chikawa (leather) tied on the 4th bar from the bottom and Himo goes through the top opening
- Clean the inside of Men with wet towel and brush to remove salt, then dry thoroughly in airy shaded place (may take a long time) -- rub/massage while still a little damp
- Men Himo (strings) can be washed
- Tare's Mae Obi (front belt) is slightly visible from under the Do
- Small gap between top of Do and bottom of Tsukidare
- Occasionally clean the Shokko (embroidered part) with brush
- Do Himo (strings) can be washed if needed
- Wrists fit where the Ninote are (below Kera, where there are vertical embroideries)
- Cut the excess Kote strings
- Unwrinkle the Tenouchi (palm) after each use
- Soak in tepid water and remove salt by light squeezing, dry completely in airy shaded place (may use washer's spin cycle first) -- rub/massage few times while still a little damp
- Wrap the Tare Himo (strings) below the Hakama's Koshi Ita (trapezoid back plate)
- Hakama openings from the sides should be slightly visible
- Unwrinkle the Tare Himo after each use
- Remove salt with damp towel and air dry in shaded place
Note: Badly damaged equipment should be repaired. It may be possible to wash Men, Kote, and Tare, but you need to use special care -- seek assistance from an expert.
April 9, 2003
Think positively, take control: many Sensei's said that, even someone who is an All Japan champion or Kyoshi 8-Dan, we don't differ that much in physical ability. What makes the difference when it really counts is your state of mind. Think positively, don't give up. Be active, not passive. Imagine all the good possibilities, not the bad things. If you are always in control, your opponent will be at a loss and s/he will begin to doubt and become indecisive. You create the chances; don't wait for it to happen. Do you see when your opponent is in control, you get tired faster and your breathing becomes erratic (e.g., when you Keiko with a high ranking Sensei)? Turn the table around. You can do it.
Kendo Nippon, Nov 1997
April 10, 2003
The Concept of Kendo says "Kendo is a way to discipline the human character through the application of the principles of the Katana."
Therefore, what we are trying achieve in our Dojo's is something much more important than learning how to hit someone on the head quicker than the next person. That kind of skill may be important when we are young and enjoy the sports of Kendo, but it's useless as we grow older and want to practice the art of Kendo.
As we grow, we try to develop in knowledge (cognitive), skills (psychomotor), and attitude (affective) - those in the field of education know this as the learning domains. Missing one of the three makes us incomplete. How do you feel about someone who is smart but can't to do the work; or someone who is skillful but no one wants to work with him/her; or someone very nice but doesn't know anything? Not complete.
In Kendo, you gain knowledge of the principles, theories, history, philosophy, concepts, ideas, etc. through reading texts and journals (unfortunately not many are in English), analyzing, watching videos, listening to teachers and elders (you must listen carefully or you may never hear it again!) and watching others (steal from them by watching carefully - Mitori Geiko). You develop skills by drills, Keiko, experiment, trial and error, repeating. Practice makes perfect. Keep trying until you get it right. But you must do these properly or you develop bad habits that are much harder to break. Real experts practice when no one is watching - maybe because it's personal and they also want to keep some secrets. Attitude comes from within. Your ability to face problems head on, willingness to work hard, knowing right from wrong, having the courage to do the right thing and not do the wrong thing, not cause inconvenience to others... This is not measurable in the usual sense - but you are on the Team Hawaii this year because we thought you showed potentials in all three domains, not just skills.
By studying Kendo like this, you will develop as a person as a whole because you will sooner or later realize that you must learn about things other than Kendo to know somethings about Kendo. You keep on learning until the day you die. Who said "I think, therefore, I am -- cogito ergo sum"?
The word Keiko comes from Kei meaning "to consider, think about, study," and Ko meaning "the past." There are lots of great teachings from the past we can learn from. It is not supposed to be easy. It takes energy to create order (a law of physics!).
April 11, 2003
Everyone has experienced periods when things are not going well. We suffer and struggle to get out of it.
Katsuya Nomura, the famous general manager of the Yakult Swallows baseball team in Japan, writes:
"From experience... most of the affected batters are hooked on 'narcotics.' By 'narcotics' I mean the homeruns (i.e., an ideal, appealing, fantastic result)... Body is honest. Regardless of where the ball is, because of this greed, body shifts unconsciously towards where you want to hit the homerun... It's clear that every player, when he if off, tends to go only after technique. He seeks advices from everyone, gets confused, lose confidence, and things get worse."
Kendo Hanshi Kiyotsugu Iho wrote that when you are in slump, you must return to Kihon (fundamentals). Nomura offers similar advices with practical hints:
"Think about,
- your form (Kamae, posture, Shisei, etc. in Kendo) to see if there is a problem.
- if the problem is really not with you, but it's your opponent. Maybe your opponent can read you (e.g., batter knows your pitches), and you are just confusing this with slump.
- if it is due to physical exhaustion. If so, rest and recover smartly.
"To examine the three things means to analyze the cause of the slump fully. If you cannot figure it out, you must return to the fundamentals by running and 'train/strengthen,' 'test/try,' 'execute/act.' The way to get out of slump, the old saying tells us, 'if you are in slump, then sweat; if you cannot sweat, then use your head; if you have no idea, then run around the field.'"
April 14, 2003
Practice (Renshu) is not the same as Keiko, but it is part of it. It is obvious you must practice if you are to excel in anything. Practice makes perfect.
As I mentioned before, most people don't differ that much in physical abilities. That's why we are mostly so-so, average, OK. If you are to be better than that you have to practice - not just repetition, but figure out what needs to be changed, then repeat it until you get it right.
Nomura (ex-general manager of a baseball team) says, "Batting practice (Suburi) is one of the Kiso (foun dations). Young players nowadays may do Kihon (basics) but not Kiso (foundation building). Some only do Ouyou (applications). While in Junior High School, Ichiro went to the batting center to practice hitting every day of the year except the New Years Day (364 days). That's why he has a solid foundation. Only those who understand this can make impossible become possible through practice."
He also goes on to say that "those who do not progress/improve cannot win... One must try many many times and think hard and figure things out..." If you win in Shiai, you have to think how it was possible. More importantly, if you lose, you must figure out what caused it. Chinese saying: "There may be mysterious victories, but there is no mysterious losses." Continue to ask "why" and you will progress, improve. There is no limit to possibilities; there is no limit to challenges.
April 15, 2003
Of course when we do Shiai, it is usually only one-on-one. Even in a team match (Dantai Sen), each match is fought by individuals. Does that mean Kendo is an individual activity?
Bushido, the origin of Kendo, has three principles: Gi, Jin, and Yu. Gi roughly means righteous, moral, correct, ethical, honorable. Jin means humane, compassionate, considerate, courteous. Yu means courage, heroic, daring. (Did you know that the Nihon Kendo Kata Tachi 1-3 teaches these exactly in this order?)
Simply stated, Kendo teaches us to know the right from wrong, be harmonious with others, and have the guts to do the right thing. We now see how Kendo Keiko (including Shiai) links to our everyday lives. Kendo is, therefore, not just training to be more skillful in Shiai or enduring in Keiko.
We can train Gi in the Dojo by:
- proper posture
- respect others and self
- proper attire
- understand correct Waza
- take care of equipment
- follow protocols, etc., etc.
We train Jin by:
- teach youngsters
- help each other
- listen carefully
- maintain health and safety
- use proper words
- be prompt and don't let others wait, etc., etc.
We train Yu by:
- develop full spirit
- give 100%
- big straight Waza
- use correct Waza
- train with different people
- ask questions, etc., etc.
So, I think even though each Shiai is fought individually, Kendo Keiko is a group activity. You cannot train alone.
Then, why not help each other a little more. Give each other critiques or suggestions, encourage others to do good Kendo, praise them when they do something good. Let's do this with the Team -- then you can do this with your Dojo members, others in HKF, all the Kenshi in the world, all the people in the world... Remember, you must have all three -- having only Jin may be nice and comfortable, but it's not complete. You must also have the strictness of Gi and courage of Yu.
May 30, 2003
These are some important terms you should be familiar with as you develop into higher ranking Kendoists.
- Meikyou Shisui. If your mind, heart, soul is really pure and untainted like a polished mirror or calm surface of a pond, you can reflect instantly and accurately (other people's Ki).
- Mu. You see this term often in Zen. It literally means "nothing" or "no-thing-ness." But the meaning is a lot deeper. In Hannya Shingyou, you see "Shiki Soku Ze Kuu, Kuu Soku Ze Shiki" roughly meaning, color (what appears to be real) is really empty (not real), and what seems to be empty is really the truth.
- Sekka no Ki. Your action must be instantaneous like the spark that comes out of two stones when they are struck. Related phrase "Kan ni Hatsu wo Irezu" means "do not place a gap (time) of even a hair's breadth.
- Myo. This means something like "mysterious wonder," and it's often seen in Nichiren Shu temple names like Myohoji. What is most important and truth is not describable in words. "Myo no Ji wa, Onna ni Sukunai Midaregami, Yuu ni Yuwarezu Toku ni Tokarezu" is a verse that literally translates to "The character Myo is few stray hair of a woman, you cannot braid it or undo it." The second half of the verse is a pun on words really meaning "you cannot talk about it or explain it."
- Hyakushaku Kantou Ippo wo Susumu. Chinese verse meaning when you reach the top of 100 shaku (about 30 yards) bamboo pole, step another step forward. Would you say that it's impossible and you will fall off? The verse is telling us that when we think we reached the highest level (skills, knowledge, mastery), you should remember that there is always more to achieve.
- Fugen Jikkou. No words, but deeds. Before you talk about something, do it. "Iu wa Yasushi, Okonau wa Katashi" means it's easy to say, but difficult to do.
- Shounen Souzoku. Also Zen phrase, meaning to continue the correct thoughts without a break. Don't let your mind wander off during Keiko and Shiai.
- Sottaku no Ki. When baby chick is about to hatch, the hen will help by tapping at the egg shell at exactly the same time/place as the chick pokes from the inside. This teaches the relationship between teacher (Sensei, Shishou) and student (Seito, Deshi). Teacher must understand the need and level of the student in order to give him/her the right instruction at the right time, or you will be wasting time and talent.
- Ichi Gen San Ryuu. Literally means "from a single origin, three flows." You should bleed (patriotic) for your country, sweat (work hard) for the family, and shed tears (compassion) for a friend.
- Kyo, Jitsu. Kyo means falsehood, weakness, lie. Jitsu means truth, strength, real. Avoid Jitsu and attack Kyo, but beware of traps. What seems like Kyo may be Jitsu. You must develop your senses (all six) in order to see them correctly. But your Seme must always be Jitsu.
- Kan Ken no Metsuke. This comes from Musashi's Gorin no Sho. Kan means seeing through your heart and Ken means seeing with your eyes. Make Ken weaker and Kan stronger.
- Fudoushin. Unmovable mind. Described in Takuan's text Fudouchi Shinmyou Roku. The mind is unmovable (unwavering) because it does not stop (become fixed to a particular). This text is a letter written to Yagyuu Munenori (advisor and Kendo teacher to the Shogun, about the time of Musashi) as an instruction.
- Satori. A story goes: there was a wood cutter who entered the forest and saw a monster called Satori. He wanted to capture him by throwing his ax at it. But each time he thought to do it, Satori would say "Ah, you want to kill me," so the wood cutter cannot throw the ax. After a while, the woodcutter gave up, and just thought about chopping and gathering the woods. Just then, by accident, the ax flew off the handle and hit Satori in the head, killing it instantly. This story tells us that if you think about it, it will show. If your mind is not fixed on an act (throw the ax) then even Satori cannot perceive the ax coming.
There are many many more.
May 23, 2003
Here are some Shiai tips I heard from others and read in books. If you have others, please share.
- Before the Shiai, do breathing exercise and Mokuso to help you focus and relax. You should be able to observe who the Shinpan are, what the Shiai-jo is like, size and condition of the floor, re-check your Chakuso.
- Give a loudest Kiai or Kakegoe. This helps you to calm down, intimidate the opponent, and take control of the Shiai from the start.
- From Tooma (far distance), quickly size up the opponent. Look at the Kamae, pick up on his/her habits, find his/her weak spots.
- Always be in control of the Shiai. Do not react, but act. Waiting for your opponent, even if you think you are observing, puts you on the receiving end and you will be that much behind (split second difference).
- Capture the center with your Hara (lower abdomen, Tanden). Have the courage and dare to always take the center. This helps bring your left fist to the correct place, and ultimately your Kensen.
- When rendering Datotsu, give your 100% for each Datotsu. Put all you have in the Ippon. Don't do a Datotsu only because you think it's time, or it's your turn.
- Think only of the present. Do not think about the result. Focus and concentrate on what you are now doing. Each point is Ippon-Shobu. Even if you take a point, next one is another Ippon Shobu.
- If your opponent takes a point, don't panic. All you have to do is re-capture a point in the next few minutes (WKC Shiai is generally 5 minutes long unless otherwise stated). Don't think about what happened or the result. Focus on the present.
- When there is no time left and you need to take a point, do the unexpected.
- At the end, win or lose, remember to show thanks to you opponent.
May 30, 2003
When you are about to do a Datotsu, if you are thinking "he might do a Kaeshi Waza," "I might miss it," "he might move," "he will do a Debana Waza if I move," etc., you are not likely to succeed. Reasons:
- Your action will be just that much (fraction of a second) slower.
- Your Kensen is likely to move (often up) in preparation of your Datotsu, announcing it to your opponent.
- You left foot will point out in Shumoku Ashi since your mind is already in a defense mode.
- Your left grip is off-center because you are indecisive.
- Your eyes and mind are not focused, dissipating your energy and power.
If you see young Japanese champions in Shiai, they seem to give their all in each Datotsu, disregarding what the opponent might do. Such level of concentration and bringing all the energy into one Datotsu make the action very very powerful and speedy.
Japanese term used to describe it is Sutemi, literally meaning throwing away the body; if you don't let go, then you are stuck with it. How do you let it go? There are may ways, and yet they are the same. Sounds like a Zen talk? May be the following examples might help you understand it. More important, you should do it...
- "Yamakawa no Seze ni Nagareru Tochigara mo, Mi wo Sutetekoso Ukamu Se mo Are." This verse roughly translates to "Flowing in the mountain stream, the husk of horse chestnut (Tochi) may float only if it loses its fruit (inside)." "He who fears death lives not."
- "Shintou wo Mekkyaku Sureba, Hi no Naka mo Mata Suzushi." Roughly "Once you have completely removed your thoughts, it is cool even in the flame." When the Takeda army was defeated by the Oda clan (during the Warring Period in Japan, just before Musashi's time), a Zen monk said this when he was surrounded by the approaching fire. Even the most difficult task would not seem so surmounting if you don't think about it as such.
- "Zanmai" is a famous Zen word meaning a state of complete concentration without attachment. Have you ever experienced this state when you were doing something with such intense focus that you have lost the sense of time?
- "Kyo Ku Gi Waku." If you are Yudansha, you already know these terms. The key is in removing these from your thoughts. These are natural reactions of normal person's mind. But in Kendo, we expect the un-natural control of mind and emotion in order to act (not react) in the most difficult situation with agility and speed. Otherwise, you are dead.
- "Asu Ari to Omou Kokoro no Adazakura." Roughly means, if you think there is tomorrow, the most beautiful cherry blossom may be gone in the evening gale. In Kendo, there is no tomorrow.
- "Ichigo Ichie" is a Chado (tea ceremony) phrase. It means, when serving a tea to the visitor, prepare it and serve it as if you will never see him again in this lifetime. Each Keiko or Shiai in Kendo should be conducted the same way.
- "Atatte Kudakeyo" roughly translates "Ram into the problem and smash it." Don't think about the results, but give it your all. Then you may see the way.
- "A man can die but once." If you do things with determination to give up even your life, you will have no fear.
- "Koketsu ni Irazunba Koji wo Ezu" means "You cannot capture the baby tiger unless you enter the tiger's den." "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."
- "Zanshin." One description of Zanshin goes something like this. There is a bowl of liquid. You try to completely empty it by shaking it off as hard as you can. The single drop of liquid that still remains represents Zanshin.
How do we train ourselves to get there? Simple...
- Kirikaeshi. Do this over and over until you are not thinking about it. If you think "again?" when your Sensei directs you to do it, you have just lost.
- Kakari Geiko. Concentrate on each Datotsu, Maai, Ki-Ken-Tai Itchi, etc., but don't dwell on each Datotsu. Repeat, repeat, repeat.
- Uchikomi Geiko. Give your 100% for each Datotsu -- energy, body, focus, correct posture...
- Zazen. It is quite difficult to just sit correctly. How can we do Kendo correctly if we cannot even sit correctly?
- Kokyu Hou. Proper breathing technique is used in developing and focusing your energy, Ki. Qi Gong training can help.
June 12, 2003
Three weeks to go!
Please take care of your health and don't get injured. Try to increase vegetable consumption (yes, you too, Andy). Take daily vitamin and mineral supplements. Get enough sleep.
June 18, 2003
Please bring your own water bottle to Glasgow. We can fill it with water and lemon wedge or other "sports" drinks when we get there.
If you are on any medication, please don't forget to bring the medicine with you. Before the Shiai (the Taikai day and the day before), do not over eat. It is better if you are a little bit hungry. You can eat all you want after the Taikai.
Remember: as we have said many times, you should focus on doing the best Kendo you can during the Shiai. You should not think about the results -- it will follow regardless. If you are preoccupied with irrelevant unnecessary thoughts, the result will not be good and you will regret it. But, if you try your very best at what ever you are doing at the moment, you would see a fair result and you will be satifsifed. Trust yourslef -- you have worked hard to get here, so be confident and proud of your achievement.
When we say "win or lose doesn't matter," we don't mean we don't care about the Shiai. WE DO CARE ABOUT THE SHIAI! You must think about how you are going to improve your skills by analyzing your losses (and wins) completely. Figure out how you are going to better yourself. This is what you should be doing now. But, once the Shiai begins, you should turn your focus to the Shiai at hand, and not think about "what might be," "what if," "may be I should." etc., etc...
une 19, 2003
--Written by Mr. Ueno--
Miyamoto Musashi wrote "Dokkoudo" about a week before his death. It is written as his own self-discipline. This is somewhat similar to our situation: just two weeks before our Shiai. Teshima-sensei asked me to mention to you some of this article, which is the right time for reminding about what you have been told since this training started in October of 2001. Perhaps this Dokkoudo which consists of 21 articles is a combination of Musashi's beliefs from "Goryin no Sho" and "Hyohou 35 Articles".
Article 3. "During my life time, I shall not be greedy." Human beings live daily with a million desire of wants and greed -- want a better car, want an easy way, not want to see you leave, want to WIN, etc..... Because of this desire, we suffer (Shiku Hakku). For Bushidou, abandon your desire to save yourself (Mi wo Sutete...) so that you will be eased and you can focus better. At Shiai, do not only focus on winning by getting points, yet win with your Kurai (dignity).
Article 13. "I shall not keep old things." Any article that you have now, do they really belong to you? It is yours for now, however, not forever. And not to have sentiment to old things. This article tells us about sentimental value. Also, by old things, he means useless defective tools which cannot be used in combat. At WKC, do your best and regardless of the result -- no REGRET. This brings us to Article 5.
Article 5. "I shall have no regrets." This is not to mean that he has never done things that he regrets. But it reminds him that he should always do his best so he will not have regrets; and once he has determined to do something, he will carry it out completely.
Article 18. "I shall revere deities, but I shall not depend on them." He realized that he has only himself to rely on at critical moments.
Article 19. "At all time, my heart shall live with Bushidou." This is self-explanatory.
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